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Maroon Arts Group Creative Repurposing Drives Innovative Arts Programming

Maroon Arts Group (MAG) is excited to update the community about our program developments over the Summer of 2017.  What once stood as a vacant lot on the corner of Mt. Vernon & 17th in the King Lincoln District is now home to one of the most innovative endeavors in Central Ohio. With support from the Greater Columbus Arts Council and the City of Columbus’ Parcels to Places program, MAG & Willowbeez SoulVeg have placed three shipping containers on this lot to re-purpose for community use. This seasonal space entitled MPACC (Movement Pursuing Arts, Commerce, & Community) will open in May of 2018 for its first full season of outdoor programming. MPACC is now home to our community centered, outdoor performance space and art gallery.  The third container will be a vegan soul food cafe operated by Willowbeez Soulveg.

Although construction and weather delays consumed most of the summer we were able to implement some previews of our MPACC season.  Together with the support of the United Way of Central Ohio we hosted our first festival on the grounds.  

The community support was strong as most passersby and residents have been curious about the space. In late September we also had a preview of the Maroon Music Sunday series performed by the Ogún Meji Duo featuring DJ Krate Digga. This series has been imagined as a contemporary musical experience that incorporates beats, sounds, and chants taken from historical recordings of the music from Maroon societies. We hope to commission local artists to develop a 5-part series for 2018 for the community to enjoy.

The most exciting part of this summer was the many community residents that have reached out to be involved with MPACC.  Most notably a gentleman who lives within walking distance came by to inquire about the space.  He was excited because he is an artist who creates art from salvaged materials. After showing us photos of his work, he (surprisingly) brought us three pieces and left them with us. We placed them on the corners of the stage for each event thereafter. We look forward to many more community moments beginning in May 2018 when we will kick off MPACC monthly programming on the 3rd weekend of each month.  Watch our website ( and social media (FB, IG, TWITTER: @maroonartsgroup)for opportunities, events and happenings at the MPACC Space. Come out and join us…
